User login
TIX 090^
Ingame name:
TUX 090^
How did you find this site?:
By player the joker
Do you use Teamspeak?:
Why do you wanna join =|LuV|=?:
This a good server and people
How often do you play?:
I understand that i cant be in another clan when joining luv:
My Games:
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Info about Yourself:
Iam Ayman, civil engineer from Egypt love mohaa and luv clan specially, also wanna the good 4 all ppl
=|LuV|= Snipec^
Thu, 07/08/2021 - 18:56
Lo Tux! Good to see you here,
Lo Tux! Good to see you here, cant say that ingame tho Where are you?
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Mon, 03/29/2021 - 19:46
i will wait till his next
i will wait till his next message to see if he still excists
=|LuV|= Mr.GG
Mon, 03/29/2021 - 05:30
Hey and welcome to luv
Hey and welcome to luv website, nice to see you here and good luck with your application. Recruit officer will replay 2 you.