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Server Switch Mod in Freeze-Tag Server.... To FT+OBJ Server
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Slimbips's picture
Last seen: 8 hours 4 min ago
=|LuV|= Supreme Leader (LUV5)
Joined: 06/25/2015 - 19:46
Points: 10493
Server Switch Mod in Freeze-Tag Server.... To FT+OBJ Server

Hey Guys,

I made a mod for tthe FT server, becease the server is full most of the time and alot of people cant enter the server for ages.

when server is full (32 players), the 33rd and higher (happens if multiple people join @ the same time), they will get redirected to FT+OBJ server.
FT+OBJ server is an exact copy of the FT Server only V2 rocket, The Hunt, and Omaha Beach are added to the rotation.

now we have 2 active servers and u dont end up with the "Server is Full" Screen.

The console advertising is spamming this all day long, when u enter the server u get that message and 15 seconds after joining again, but guess some people still didnt see it, sothats why i post here again.

any questions?, go ahead!
greets slim