User login
Ingame name:
How did you find this site?:
from the server
Do you use Teamspeak?:
Why do you wanna join =|LuV|=?:
cuz i'm playing this game 14 years ago and I love freeze tag
How often do you play?:
I understand that i cant be in another clan when joining luv:
My Games:
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Info about Yourself:
I'm playing this game 14 years ago
I'm an engineer
loving freeze tag
=|LuV|= Mekkie
Sat, 02/25/2023 - 18:20
I aint see him play ,not whit
I aint see him play ,not whit that name
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Sat, 02/25/2023 - 13:10
anyone seen him lately?
anyone seen him lately?
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Thu, 01/26/2023 - 20:17
Welcome dude
Welcome dude
=|LuV|= Green Machine
Wed, 01/25/2023 - 16:39
Heeey Hussien
Heeey Hussien,
Welcome to our webby!,
New members go to a 2 week trial, so they can see if this is what they want and vica versa :).
You can use the =|LuV|= Remove |trl| taggs so people can see that your new.
Any questions?, just ask ;)!.
Good luck and have fun!!
“If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.”