Hey Guys,
there are many other Server's wich are using more different skins and our server is still on default skins :/
all players saying the maprotation is to small and there are only maps wich are very old,
!maplist -> the comming list isnt correct... most of them are deleted, idk why.
it would be great if we can make a big update with better rotation new good maps and maybe some luv-only-stuff like a luv-gun
Greeting, AvoxX !
I agree that all servers are a priority but the main fact about deathrun is just that Stormyy is busy doing great things for this clan and simply doesn't have the time. Its hard to have active luv members playing 24/7 on our servers because some have jobs and others don't. and as it is the School holidays, more young folk within luv will have more time than people who work. We're trying the best we can, in the meantime i will notify stormy of the changes/direction in which you would like our server to go
i understand and i dont have a problem with the people who dont playing 24/7 im also not ever free second on tdm or something but like one hour a day or every second day could be possible and that would make the servers more active then no one is playing for some times 2 weeks, because the other player see if this server have much activity or not and when they see 1 week every day 0 players they think this server is old and empty. do you know what i mean ?
imo its an better idea to get our asses back into the tdm and gungame servers as the servers are dieing since we changed ip.
without active servers we are shit....... do something for the clan!!,
if we recruit in tdm and gungame maybe we ever recruit a smart guy that has time to help us out, stormyy is very busy and me to., no time for modding etc.
but for me the other 2 servers have way more priority
All servers have priority...
I guess we should do more advertise our servers like making videos on youtube or a social media page (twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.)
Only with waiting for player we cant go forward.
We also need active LuV players on the server because without them the server looks like not important to the clan and we have cod players in the clan.
First little step is to get them in the game and they need to play active not only 1 time in a month or smth.
2nd step we could add adverts for the other server like gungame ads in tdm
Well someone has to step up and learn mod making, because Stormyy is a busy guy.
tell me pretty lies ♥
I would like this, but who is going to do it? xd
Obv you, you so pro.
tell me pretty lies ♥
Thats the problem wich i forgot to write...
Slimbips, Stormyy, Zware or Knox rarely playing Deathrun... maybe we the active Deathrun player but idk if they trust us so much...