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Randomly high ping drip Green Machine
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All my maps in one place....New Map coming soon... dodgerman20001 dodgerman20001
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Does playing games help you to calm down when you had a stressful day? Green Machine Slimbips
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Your Favorite Music Slimbips Sarinha
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How to use Volute Green Machine Green Machine
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keep getting Banned ? mak mak
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Should Eva keep the tags? Slimbips Green Machine
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Voice talk ;) BuLLeN.Swe Sarinha

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Can I keep the tags lol BaronessEva Belindo
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engineer Mostafa_Yassin Mekkie
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interested:) BuLLeN.Swe Slimbips
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Egypt American Mr.GG
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Arkantos application to join LuV clan Slimbips
Welcome to LuV Clan
Pepas's picture

Hi there, let's CoD4.

Say hello to Krysty.

Legion's picture

All the best to everyone for chrimbo and new year

Sarinha's picture

Merry Christmas Micky and all Biggrin I have had a great time playing on server with you as well, especially in Stalingrad, I also consider you a very good friend XX

Merry Mick's picture


Merry Mick's picture

A very Merry Mick Christmas 2023 to all my mohaa friends whom i have spent manys a great time with over, not just this year, but all the years. We have never met in person but I feel I know a lot of you very well and have come to embrace you all as really good friends. Looking forward to many more years!!!! 

Mr.GG's picture

Yes Volute is new (anticheat) for mohaa, check it out on 

YywiyY's picture

Very well, it is nice to see, that everyone is still kicking.
Ok, will check on my rustiness during the weekend.
Anything new I should know?

Slimbips's picture

Yep Slim still around on the background :), busy with my girls and my work :), just checking if the clan is stable, but we have a stable CL in mohaa now so everything is still cool Smile

Green Machine's picture

Hey YywiyY, I missed (bashing) you on the battlefields  Wink

“If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.”

YywiyY's picture

Hi all.
Evening, Ladies.
Are we still operating?
It has been couple of years since I last checked on everyone.
Think it is time to come back.)
Slimp still with us?
Over and out.