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Voice talk ;) BuLLeN.Swe Sarinha
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What does everyone look like?! drip drip
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Tell us your mohaa story/memory Sarinha drip
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Squad 44 feed back dodgerman20001 dodgerman20001
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Gungame maps Stormlight Jack
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Hey All! YorkiPud mhael7402
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Randomly high ping drip Green Machine
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All my maps in one place....New Map coming soon... dodgerman20001 dodgerman20001

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Can I keep the tags lol BaronessEva Belindo
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engineer Mostafa_Yassin Mekkie
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interested:) BuLLeN.Swe Slimbips
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Egypt American Mr.GG
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Application Bryan Alberts Green Machine
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MrKermit Application MrKermit MrKermit
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Remove. Remove Mekkie
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Arkantos application to join LuV clan Slimbips
Welcome to LuV Clan
Mr.GG's picture

It was only the tracker here that show that server was empty ,there was 22 ppl in it Smile

Slimbips's picture

thats why i tried years ago to pull people together in another game to play there together but it failed, when mohaa dies the clan dies Sad

Mr.GG's picture

Mohaa is dead. Sorry only the gametracker here .

Belindo's picture

You misspelled Merry Mick

"I don't know who you are and what you want. What I do have is a particular set of skills I have acquired over a long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. I will look for you, I will find you... and I will kill you."

Merry Mick's picture

Need admin, noob called Aa!!!! 

Green Machine's picture

Any good(to eat) fish in there? Wink

“If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.”

Slimbips's picture

Geremin's picture

HI All,
Wow Slim, so you got your own swimming pool....
Going up in the world!


Mr.GG's picture

Blum 3

Slimbips's picture

yes you where not here