when u start the game u will see a little screen with STADIUM and than press ENTER, than u click on ONLINE PLAY, and than u see a serverlist, above the serverlist u find a search bar, type in LUV and press enter, now our server should be in there....... , if not the link of stormlight doesnt work as it is cracked and our server probably not, im not sure about that
Ah, played it for quite some time like 2007 till 2012. The best track racing game so far. Its Nadeo based engine and it just rocks. If you wanna challenge yourself download players built maps especially by pjw, lmx (I am forgetting names of other mappers) and I am sure soon you will be pulling your hairs. :D. Nadeo also launched Shootmania (again based on Nadeo Engine) but it didn't do well to attract players. Even I never played that. But nonetheless its an awesome game and if you get a hang of it, it will keep you occupied for long. Here is the link to download custom maps. https://www.tm-exchange.com/
=|LuV|= Geremin
Sat, 12/08/2018 - 14:28
forgot to say used 2nd code...
Thanx, promise to ake it worthwhile!
=|LuV|= JustVastie
Fri, 12/07/2018 - 17:24
Hey guys,
Hey guys,
Tonight 19:30 trackmania party??
If u start the game u can search Search for luv and u will find the server.
See u tonight <3
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Fri, 12/07/2018 - 00:00
hotwire activated 3,
hotwire activated 3, stormlight activated 1, and who activated 2?
=|LuV|= Stormlight
Fri, 12/07/2018 - 00:00
Thx Stormyy ^^, I activated
Thx Stormyy ^^, I activated first one (NN9N-R39K-KJ6M-E8B4-KMG)
=|LuV|= Hotwire
Thu, 12/06/2018 - 06:29
Thnaks alot Stormyy. I
Thnaks alot Stormyy. I activated key no.3 and I'm gonna start playing it as soon as it finishes downloading.
tell me pretty lies ♥
=|LuV|= Stormyy ©
Wed, 12/05/2018 - 23:42
Please say which key you used
Please say which key you used
=|LuV|= Stormyy ©
Wed, 12/05/2018 - 23:40
Buyed some keys for people
Buyed some keys for people that want to play, activate on steam. ONE PER PERSON, ONLY LUV:
=|LuV|= Anany
Wed, 12/05/2018 - 19:08
actually i didn't find the
actually i didn't find the stadium
that's what i get http://prntscr.com/lr5t0e
=|LuV|= Stormlight
Wed, 12/05/2018 - 16:54
Ye you need it on steam then,
Ye you need to buy it on steam then, i don' t know if there is any other torrent for trackmania 2 that would work online
=|LuV|= Hotwire
Wed, 12/05/2018 - 16:22
Can't find any search list in
Can't find any search list in the cracked one either.
tell me pretty lies ♥
=|LuV|= Stormlight
Wed, 12/05/2018 - 15:43
Ah ye i can' t find
Ah ye i can' t find serverlist so its probably because its cracked, there is some kind of schelduled online maps, but no serverlist :/
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Wed, 12/05/2018 - 06:28
when u start the game u will
when u start the game u will see a little screen with STADIUM and than press ENTER, than u click on ONLINE PLAY, and than u see a serverlist, above the serverlist u find a search bar, type in LUV and press enter, now our server should be in there....... , if not the link of stormlight doesnt work as it is cracked and our server probably not, im not sure about that
=|LuV|= Anany
Tue, 12/04/2018 - 19:52
i didn't find server slim, i
i didn't find server slim, i'll join TS and ask u how to find and play it
=|LuV|= Anany
Tue, 12/04/2018 - 18:03
i'll download it and join u
i'll download it and join u soon
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Tue, 12/04/2018 - 01:33
when u see the list of
when u see the list of servers on top u can do a search, search for luv
=|LuV|= Stormlight
Mon, 12/03/2018 - 23:10
No Slim, its Trackmania 2
No Slim, its Trackmania 2 from 2013, btw how to connect to luv server?
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Mon, 12/03/2018 - 22:55
thats trackmania 1
thats trackmania 1
=|LuV|= Stormlight
Mon, 12/03/2018 - 14:53
Download free here https:/
Download free here https://monova.to/F429640175EB359813886B7FD81C538B6D96F2B5
you need to have utorrent to download, it may take an hour to download because its older torrent so download speed is lower
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Fri, 11/30/2018 - 06:30
if this server is getting
if this server is getting active we can always think of another server, but it will take alot of time to get our server on the map
=|LuV|= Stormlight
Fri, 11/30/2018 - 02:11
Maybe they don' t know about
Maybe they don' t know about canyon :/, canyon is much more fun then stadium...
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Thu, 11/29/2018 - 21:23
becease we have 10
becease we have 10 clanmembers that wanted to play stadium...
=|LuV|= Stormlight
Thu, 11/29/2018 - 18:25
Why not Trackmania 2 Canyon :
Why not Trackmania 2 Canyon :/
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Thu, 11/29/2018 - 07:43
Come and play in our
Come and play in our luvserver zer!.. we have some custim maps running.. just adding and removing maps atm
=|LuV|= zer!
Thu, 11/29/2018 - 06:33
Ah, played it for quite some
Ah, played it for quite some time like 2007 till 2012. The best track racing game so far. Its Nadeo based engine and it just rocks. If you wanna challenge yourself download players built maps especially by pjw, lmx (I am forgetting names of other mappers) and I am sure soon you will be pulling your hairs. :D. Nadeo also launched Shootmania (again based on Nadeo Engine) but it didn't do well to attract players. Even I never played that. But nonetheless its an awesome game and if you get a hang of it, it will keep you occupied for long.
Here is the link to download custom maps.
=|LuV|= Slimbips
Wed, 11/28/2018 - 15:50
Come on guys the game cost
Come on guys the game cost only 3 till 4 euro.. lets play some racing game!!!!