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Randomly high ping drip Green Machine
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All my maps in one place....New Map coming soon... dodgerman20001 dodgerman20001
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Does playing games help you to calm down when you had a stressful day? Green Machine Slimbips
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How to use Volute Green Machine Green Machine
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keep getting Banned ? mak mak
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Should Eva keep the tags? Slimbips Green Machine
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Voice talk ;) BuLLeN.Swe Sarinha

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Can I keep the tags lol BaronessEva Belindo
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Zware's picture

saraaaaaaah Smile

Sarinha's picture

my ping is normal (48/50) Smile

Zwareeeee Smile

Belindo's picture

@Green; all looks good as of this morning. Ping is back to normal.

Zware's picture

hello there Smile

Green Machine's picture

Me too, but its not the server, I have it on some other servers too. Did a TracerT and it seems some hub is not working Sad
For me its also on AB and GF server, but not on Forte and Anubis or UWS.

Belindo's picture

Can someone reboot the server please. My ping is suddenly 500+ only on LuV. I've disabled Norton, restarted my laptop and rebooted by router, but no luck. It's only on LuV server. No issue when I tried another one.

kirby's picture

I'd say quite windy around here. Kiss 2 greens

Green Machine's picture

Yo the Curb M8

Slimbips's picture

ahh on the beach, a little bit to late this year kirb :P, its almost snowing!

kirby's picture

wazzap all, greets from Ouddorp Dirol